The author and ex-Howell’s girl Angela Fish visited Year 2 today. Angela’s book “Ben and the Spider Gate” isn’t out until this September, but we were lucky enough to be sent a sneak preview copy a few weeks ago and so were thrilled to meet the author. We all had masses of questions to ask Angela, not only about the story, but also how she writes her books and where she gets her ideas. We saw illustrations from the book and learned all about the process of how it was published. We then had a real treat when Angela read out an extract from the next book in the series and had a huge surprise when she left us a copy of the new story to read. It won’t be out until Spring next year so this is a real thrill – thank you so much, Angela!
Howell’s Junior School (Independent Girls’ School), July 2015
I sat in when the class teacher was reading Ben and the Spider Gate to the children at story time. It was clear from their faces that they were enjoying it. When it was time to finish the session, even I didn’t want the teacher to stop!
Classroom Assistant, St Michael’s R C Primary
The pupils were really keen to move on from chapter to chapter. I think they would have been happy to have heard the book all in one go! They were keen to find out more about how the story was written, so Angela Fish was invited in on World Book Day in March and I think she was surprised at the number of questions that they asked. I know that the teachers in the other classes that read the story feel the same way.
Teacher, St Michael’s R C Primary
Gran was my favourite – I think she’s wise and she’s kind.
Pupil, St Michael’s R C Primary
I liked Scoot because he’s like my dog – clever but a bit naughty.
Pupil, St Michael’s R C Primary
Ben was naughty to go into the woods and to take Jess with him, but he was only trying to help Lox and the other spiders.
Pupil, St Michael’s R C Primary
“A heart-warming and magical tale which will really capture your child’s imagination. My son really enjoyed the book and very much identified with Ben and Lox. Each evening he wanted to hear the next instalment and was very captured by the story.”
Maria Grachvogel, London-based Fashion Designer
Ben and the Spider Gate is a fantastic hardback book by Angela Fish. It is a stunningly well-written and delightful book for children and parents and very well-illustrated with some engaging and enchanting artwork throughout the book.
Extract from a review on “That’s Christmas”.
Illustrated with some beautiful black and white drawings, it is the kind of book you will enjoy reading to your young children or grandchildren.
Extract from review by Brian Lee, in Cowbridge Gem and also in Bridgend and Porthcawl Recorder
My children aged 3 and 6 were hooked by this story and wouldn’t let me stop until we finished it all. I liked it as much as they did as it was quite different to the normal children stories we read. We can’t wait to read the next one when it’s released. review
We bought a Kindle Fire for our daughter for Christmas and she really wanted to read this book as the Author came into her school to talk about it. She was really pleased with it! review
A wonderful tale that will inspire children to explore their garden and all the secrets it holds, Ben and the Spider Gate is a heart-warming tale with themes of friendship and magic.
Lauren Lewis, Group Customer Services Manager (selected as one of The Book Guild “Staff picks”).